LE CALCOLATRICI / Adding machines - calculators

Per le foto, vedere elenco prodotti - calcolatrici
For photos, see products list - adding machines - calculators

Office Equipment:

* 264CD         Office Desk                                                 RS 
*               File Cabinet 4 drawer, metal, locking cabinet.  Off-white.  RO
Mechanical Adding Machine Series:

* 201           10 digit, 16 keys (+clr lever), m.grey w/dk grey under keys EC
* 202           10 digit with slider indicator, 17 keys, black case,        WW
                white keypad, black ribbon
* 202-2         Same as 202 with a 1/2 key instead of a 000 key
* 202-3         Same as 202 w/15 keys (+'clear') - no '00' or '000' keys    EC
* 202 Radio     Actually a radio that looks like the 202 adding machine     PF
* 207           8 digit display with printer, gold, electric, 14 keys       BZ
* 207 CB        Same as 207 with entire case is medium grey in colour.      EC
* 208           8 digit with slider indicator, 20 keys, black case, white   MI 
                keypad, red/black ribbon
Handheld Calculator Series:

* 33MSR         large white/rw&b keys, basic math, percent, sqr, sqrt
* 5r39          white & black scientific calc, rw&b (& grey) keys, mem
* 9d23          Green LED, 8 digit, 23 rw & b keys, black/silver case
* 9d25          Green LED, 8 digit, 25 rw & b keys, black/silver case

* 9d31          Green LED, 8 digit, 31 rw & b keys, black/silver case 

* 9r23          Green LED, 8 digit, 23 rw&b keys, recharge, blk/slvr case

* 9r25          Green LED, 8 digit, 25 rw&b keys, recharge, blk/slvr case   EC

* 9r31          Green LED, 8 digit, 31 rw&b keys, recharge, blk/slvr case   EC

* 110           Red LED, 8 digit, Black with 18 black and red keys

* 208           Blue LED, basic math, cream color, blue/red butons.         TA 

                Scientific calc, made in England, 44 extra keys             BD

* 301           Red LED, 8 digit, Slimline, basic math

* 385R          Red LED, Wide cream case, 18 rw&b keys, basic math          EC

* 770D

* 774D          Red LED, 9 digit, white keys.  Red clear and blue op keys.  BA 

* 776M          Red LED, 9 digit, cream case with red, white, and blue keys

* 776D          Red LED, 7 digit, 19 keys, cream case

* 784D          Red LED, 9 digit, cream case with red, white, and blue keys

* 786D          Red LED, 9 digit, blue case with red, white, and blue keys

* 786M          Red LED, 9 digit, blue case with red, white, and blue keys

* 796M          Red LED, 8 digit, 19 keys, black plastic                    JR 

* 796M          Red LED, 8 digit, 19 keys, tan plastic                      BZ 

* 797D          Red LED, basic math+memory and percentage, cream/blk keys   BD 

* 797M          Red LED, 8 digit, 23 keys, cream plastic                    JB 

* 798A          Red LED, basic math+memory and percentage, cream/blk keys 

* 884           Red LED, 8 digit, white case, keys white, blue and 1 red

* 885D          Red LED, 8 digit, 20 keys, white case                       EC

* 886D          Red LED, 8 digit, white case, keys white, blue and 1 red    GY 

* 886D          lt brown w/dark brown base, keys white, blue and red        GY 

* 887D          Red LED, 8 digit, white, black trim, rw&b keys.             RI 

* 897D          Red LED, 10 digit, basic math, percent, one memory.         GK

* 899           Red LED, 8 digit, white, black trim, rw&b keys, mem, exp

* 899D          ?                                                           PF

* 990D          RED LED, greay case/blk face, 39 rw&b keys, scientific 

* 1800          Red LED, 10 digit, black/RW&B keys, math, exp, mem, etc. 

* AL-1000       14 nixie tube readout

* C60           Green LED, Black, 60 keys, math, exp, mem, etc.

* CIL 40        LCD, 8 digit, "electronic switching", cream / brown metal   JR 

                case, CMOS slimline, 23 keys, 198?

* CIL100        LCD, 8 digit, silver case, 24 blk keys, 'Lithium Card Calc' EC

* CIL500        LCD, 8 digit, silver case, 24 black keys.                   EC

* CQ-SWAT       Yellow LCD dual display, 8 digit, world time, silver metal  JR 

                case, CMOS slimline, 30 keys.

* F4146D        ?                                                           PF

* F4146R        Red LED, black case, 46 rw&b keys, financial

* F4902         Red LED, 8 digit, black case, 50 keys, scientific           EC

* F5146R        ?                                                           PF

* GL-797M       Green LED, 8 digit,grey plastic, 23 keys.

* GL 798        Green LED, 8 digit, cream plastic, 23 rw&b keys, math+sqrt  CJ

* GL-976M       Green LED, 7 digit, white/black plastic case, 19 lrg keys.  JR 

* GL-976MR      

* GL-979R       Green LED, blk-cream case, Color butts, basic calc+mem+x^2 

* GL-986R       ?                                                           PF

* GL-987R       Green LED, 8 digit, black w/silver trim, rw&b keys basic    BZ 

* GL-996R       Green LED, 8 digit, rechargeable, b&w plastic case, 23 key  JR 

                similar to GL models, early LCD.

* GL-997R       Green LED, blk-cream case,colored butts,basic calcs+memory  TE

* GL-997RF      Same as above (GL-9978R) but with larger digits             RO

* LC43SR        yellow LCD, 8 digit, gold/brown metal case, 43 keys

* LC5K1         yellow LCD, 8 digit, gold/brown metal case, 24 keys, CMOS   JR

* LC5K2         yellow LCD, 8 digit, cream case, 25 keys                    JC

* LC5K3         yellow LCD, 8 digit, silver metal case, 25 keys

* LC5K4         Yellow LCD, 8 digit, gold face, 22 brown keys, brown case.  EC

* LC925         yellow LCD, 8 digit, brown/cream plastic case, 25 keys      JR 

* MM1           Red LED, 8 digit, Black with white trim, basic math, large

* MM2           Red LED, 8 digit, Black with white trim, basic math, large

* MM3           Red LED, 8 digit, Black w/ white trim, basic math, smaller 

* MM3M          Red LED, Cream, Colored buttons, basic math, 1 mem.         JB 

* MM3M (Conv)   MM3M with Volume, Area, Metric Conversions                  JP 

* MM3R          MM3M without memory.  SN#066387                             PE 

* MM3SR         large white/rw&b keys, basic math, percent, sqr, sqrt       BZ

* MM6           Red LED, blk-silver case,basic calcs,switchable dec point   TE 

* MM6X          MM6 with enter key                                          LA

* N60           14 digit, green LED, silver nums, blue func, mem, nav.      WZ 

* N80           10 digit, LED, white nums, blue func, lt-blu mem, nav.      FR

* P50 Program.  Red LED, 13 digit, brown/gold plastic, 49 keys              JR

* PR-100        Red LED, 8 digit, black case, 45 keys, programmable

* S61 Statist.  Green LED, 14 digit, black plastic case, 60 keys.           JR

* SN60          black pastic case, 60 keys

* SR-1400       "Electronic Slide Rule Calculator" may 5, 1975              JS 

* SR-1800       Green LED, Black, Colored buttons, Trig.                    FB 

* SR-36 Scient. Red LED, 13 digit, black plastic, 37 keys                   JR 

* SR-100NC      black case,49 colored buttons (most of them twice used),

* SR-4120R      SR-4148R                                                    TE 

* SR-4120D      Red LED, 8 digit, blk case, 48 keys, rw&b keys, grey trig   EC 

* SR-4148R      Red LED, 10 digit, black case,colored buttons(48),

                basic calc+memory+trig+x^y+statistics                       TE

* SR-9140D      Red LED, 10 digit, blk&silver case, rw&b keys, funcs        EC

* SR-4190       ?                                                           PF

* SR-4912       Red LED, 13 digit, Science, black plastic, 49 keys          JR

* SR-6120R      Red LED, 13 digit, Science, black plastic, 39 keys

* SR-6140R      Red LED, 13 digit, Science, black plastic, 39 keys

* SR-7919       Beige case, rw&b keys, basic math, like 774 but with trig. 

* SR-7923       White case, black keys, basic math, mem, 23 keys

* SR-8120       White case, rw&b keys, math, trig, and memory. 29 keys

* SR-9190R      Red LED, 10 digit, Black, 49 keys, white num keys,          RI 

                scientific calcs (was originally sold as QUELLE Privileg 

                but is from Commodore)                                      TE 

Desktop Calculator Series:

* 401           Paper readout, darkgreen/bluegreen                          DV 

* 412           8 digit, large electric, cream case, adding machine

* 423 P         Paper readout, cream case w/ grey, 26 rw&b keys, add mach   DN

* 512           12 digit display, electric desktop                          PF

* 612           large electric desktop, fake wood, 18 key adding machine

* 1211          Red LED, Desktop Calculator

* 1540          Scientific, black w/rw&b keys, 40 keys                      PF

* C8            Red or Amber LED, 8 digit, b|w case, basic math, 18 keys    KS                          

* C108          Green LED, 8 digit, basic math, black, color butts,17 keys  DV

* C112          Green LED, 12 digit, basic math, rw&b keys

* E*12          17 key, basic math, redblublk keys, memory, sum, beige case PF

* M16           Green LED, 8 digit, white case with black front, 20 keys    KS

* US*1          Amber LED, 8 digit + sign, 18 keys, white case w/black trim

* US*1M         Amber LED, 8 digit+sign, 20 keys,mem, white case,black trim

* US*3          8 digit+sign, larger light brown case, blk num keys, basic  BZ

* US*4          8 digit + sign, white case with white keys, memory

* US*5          Green LED, 8 digit, 22 keys, cream top case w/brown trim.   KS

* US*5M         US*5 with memory keys

* US*8 (US)     Amber LED, 8 digit, decimal set, 18 keys, black, rw&b keys  GY

* US*8 (Canada) As above but with off-white case, not black.

* US*8 (Japan)  As USA w/larger digits, 17 keys, no decimal, square caps.   RO

* US*10         Amber LED, 10 digit, decimal set, 17 keys, black            KS

* US*14         Amber LED, 14 digit, black w/ black, red, blu keys

* US*15 1P      Paper readout, 15 digit, blk w/silver trim, 26 keys         KS

* US*15 2P      Paper readout, 15 digit, blk w/silver trim, 30 keys         KS

* US*121 P      Paper readout, 25 red, orange, blue, and black keys, mem 


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